WAVE Collection


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Instrument by Smile Line is part of the brand’s history as a unique line of tools with exceptional quality and high added value. A line that has gained and convinced thousands of demanding and passionate users around the world. Today, after several years of thought and research, Smile Line presents WAVE, a new handle with a subtle balance between comfort and ergonomics.
NB- WAVE handles are compatible with all Smile Line brushes and other instruments. The aluminium rod is driven at 4000rpm on a Tornos
Deco 2000. A super-sharp chisel gently works its side, shaping the curves that will become the unique profile of the WAVE handle. Once the outer design is complete, the part is transferred to a Schaublin milling machine. Thanks to a digital divider, this machine takes care of the elegant longitudinal machinings that are typical of WAVE handles: a sophisticated reworking operation that you’ll only find at Smile Line. The final stages before the parts are engraved and packaged are a careful beadblasting and a highest quality anodising.